How to convert date to hexadecimal in Java
I am not familiar with Java. I need to get the current datetime and express it as a string, for example:
060b08 is yymmdd: GPS date (November 8, 2006) 6 characters, hexadecimal
And 0d1908 are hhmmss: sending time, 6 characters, hexadecimal
Yymmdd: sending date (13:25:08), hexadecimal, for example: 060b08
I'm trying this Code:
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); Date date = new Date(); String date_str = String.format("%02x%02x%02x",cal.getTime().getYear(),cal.getTime().getMonth(),cal.getTime().getDay()); String hour_str = String.format("%02x%02x%02x",cal.getTime().getHours(),cal.getTime().getMinutes(),cal.getTime().getSeconds()); String content = "#1:" + imei + ":1:*,"+ date_str.getBytes() +","+ hour_str.getBytes()+"#"; ChannelBuffer buf = ChannelBuffers.dynamicBuffer(); buf.writeBytes(content.getBytes(Charset.defaultCharset())); channel.write(buf);
But wrong, returning:
Calendar. Gettime() returns date
Ideally, you should use calendar Get (calendar. Year) and calendar get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY).
The same applies to month, day, minute and second
After getting the integer value, you can use integer Tohexstring() converts them to hexadecimal if necessary
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