Relay based paging for Java graphql server in Java
I have implemented a Java - based graphql server using graphql - Java - tools Now I need to use my java - graphql server to implement relay - based paging
I can't find anything useful Who can help me point out the right place to find how in Java_ Implement relay based paging in graphql server?
Thank you for your expectation
Graphql java tools in version 5.4 Support for relay has been added to 0 As described in the documentation example, you can use the new @ connection directive in the schema:
type Query { users(first: Int,after: String): UserConnection @connection(for: "User") } type User { id: ID! name: String }
And return a connection < T > in the parser:
class QueryResolver implements GraphQLQueryResolver { public Connection<User> users(int first,String after,DataFetchingEnvironment env) { return new SimpleListConnection<>(Collections.singletonList(new User(1L,"Luke"))).get(env); } }
However, examples other than simple lists (for example, when edges must be extracted from the database) are scarce, and simplelistconnection is the only implementation provided by graphql Java so far
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