Complete instance of the convenient tool class for Java implementation and operation of JSON [rewrite Google’s gson]
This article describes a convenient tool class for Java to operate JSON. Share with you for your reference, as follows:
For the processing of JSON data format, since the development of Java, a variety of JSON open source tools have been used. I'm afraid Google's gson is the best and highest.
In particular, a tool class is written for it and put into the standing tool for easy use. The following are the tool classes rewritten for gson version 1.5.
Dependent packages:
slf4j-api-1.6. 0.jar slf4j-log4j12-1.6. 0.jar log4j-1.2. 15.jar gson-1.5. jar
PS: About JSON operation, here are some more practical JSON online tools for your reference:
Online JSON code inspection, inspection, beautification and formatting tools:
JSON online formatting tool:
Online XML / JSON conversion tool:
JSON code online formatting / beautification / compression / editing / conversion tool:
Online JSON compression / escape tool:
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