Explain the configuration and use of spring boot actuator in detail
In a production environment, the availability of services needs to be monitored in real time or on a regular basis. The actuator function of spring boot provides many interfaces required for monitoring. Simple configuration and use are as follows:
1. Import dependency:
This dependency is also required if HTTP calls are used:
2. Configuration:
application. Specify the HTTP port to monitor in YML (if not specified, use the same port as the server); specify the check to remove an item (such as not monitoring health. Mail):
3. Use:
To view health indicators: http://localhost:54001/health
4. Custom indicator:
4.1 / health: implement the healthindicator interface in a class, and then implement the health () method in it:
/Health running results (note the second indicator):
4.2 / INFO: the configuration is as follows. You can give a string directly or from POM Get from XML configuration
/The results of info are as follows:
{"app":{"name":"my-spring-boot","description":"Test Project for Spring Boot","version":"1.0","spring-boot-version":"1.3.6.RELEASE"}}
Official website: http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#production -ready
Source code reference: https://github.com/xujijun/my-spring-boot