Java – the order of automatically wrapped @ repeatable annotations
Before that, I used to manually declare the wrapper annotation using an array, and then call it like this:
@Foos({ @Foo(0),@Foo(1),@Foo(2) }) public void bar() {}
Since I created an array using the {...} initializer, it is very clear that when I access this method later through reflection, the order is the same as declared
However, when I use the new @ repeatable annotation in Java 8, do I promise to keep the order?
I announced a set of simple notes:
public @interface Foos { Foo[] value(); } @Repeatable(Foos.class) public @interface Foo { int value(); }
And run some tests for the most diverse scenarios:
@Foo(0) @Foo(1) @Foo(2) public void bar1() {} @Foo(2) @Deprecated @Foo(5) @Foo(10) public void bar2() {}
Everything seems perfect (when accessed through reflection), but I don't want to rely on undocumented things I think so, but I can't find it anywhere! Can anyone know something about it?
This is what the Java language specification says:
(emphasize my)
So, yes, the order of comments in container comments is the same as that of repeatable comments