Java – subtract 1 hour to datetime using joda time
I just want to subtract 1 hour from datetime. I try to find it on Google. I find a method called minus, which requires a copy of the date and takes a specific time here: (long)
But I don't know how to use it. I can't find an example on the Internet
This is my code:
String string1 = (String) table_4.getValueAt(0,1); String string2= (String) table_4.getValueAt(0,2); DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("hh:mm a").withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); DateTime dateTime1 = dtf.parseDateTime(string1.toString()); DateTime dateTime2 = dtf.parseDateTime(string2.toString()); final String oldf = ("hh:mm a"); final String newf= (" 0"); final String newf2= (" a"); final String elapsedformat = (""); SimpleDateFormat format2 = new SimpleDateFormat(oldf); SimpleDateFormat format2E = new SimpleDateFormat(newf); Period timePeriod = new Period(dateTime1,dateTime2); PeriodFormatter formatter = new PeriodFormatterBuilder() .appendHours().appendSuffix(".") .appendMinutes().appendSuffix("") .toFormatter(); String elapsed = formatter.print(timePeriod); table_4.setValueAt(elapsed,3); DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("00.00"); System.out.println(dateTime1); table_4.setValueAt("",4); table_4.setValueAt("",5);
Sample data:
dateTime1: 08:00 AM dateTime2: 05:00 PM
The duration is 9 hours But I want 8 hours because I want to subtract lunch time from my program
I tried to use this stupid Code:
I also try to parse string1 double, so I can subtract 1
double strindtoD = Integer.parseInt(string1);
I also try to make another datetime and usage period to get the difference between the two times
String stringOneHour = ("01:00 AM"); DateTime dateTime3 = dtf.parseDateTime(stringOneHour.toString()); Period timePeriod = new Period(dateTime3,dateTime1);
Just use:
This is documented in the API
Note that the datetime object is immutable, so a separate operation has no effect You need to assign the result of this method to a new object (or replace yourself):
dateTime = dateTime.minusHours(1);
As for how to obtain a period from the difference between two datetimes, you must first pass through an interval:
Period period = new Interval(begin,end).toPeriod();
Link to an so position and explain why there are two periods and intervals
Side note: joda time uses a lot of definitions in its API; Therefore, reading Javadoc requires not only reading the methods of a class, but also viewing the list of inherited methods of all inherited abstract classes / interfaces; For example, datetime is also a readableinstant One you're used to it, but it's a breeze