Practice angry birds (abstract classes, polymorphism, rewriting)
The code is as follows:
Public abstract class bird {/ / birds can fly, but birds of different colors can fly in different ways. Public abstract void fly();
//Bluebird class:
/** Blue Ice: blue bird, flight mode: divided into 3*/
Public class Bluebird extensions bird {/ / override the abstract method @ override public void fly() {system.out.println ("blue ice, flight can change from one to three");}}
//Redbird class:
/** Red Fire: red bird, flight mode: normal, * / public class Redbird extensions bird {/ / override the abstract method @ override public void fly() {system.out.println ("red bird, normal flight");}
//Yellowbird class:
/** yellow wind: yellow bird, flight mode: accelerate * / public class Yellowbird extensions bird {/ / override the abstract method @ override public void fly() {system.out.println ("yellow wind, can accelerate flight");}
//Slingshot class:
/** slingshot: there is a launching method to pop up the bird * / public class slingshot {public void shot (bird bird) {bird. Fly();}
//Test demo class:
Public class demo {public static void main (string [] args) {/ / create a slingshot slingshot = new slingshot(); / / create red, yellow and blue birds Redbird = new redbird(); Bluebird = new bluebird(); Yellowbird Yellowbird = new yellowbird(); / / eject slingshot.shot (Redbird); slingshot.shot (Bluebird); slingshot.shot (Yellowbird);}}