Java – how to disable echo when sending terminal commands using Apache commons net telnetclient
So, I have this class using org apache. commons. net. telnet. Telnetclient class It attempts to send a command and read the response
public class AutomatedTelnetClient { private TelnetClient telnet = new TelnetClient(); private InputStream in; private PrintStream out; private String prompt = "$"; public AutomatedTelnetClient(String server,String user,String password) { try { EchoOptionHandler echoopt = new EchoOptionHandler(false,false,false); telnet.addOptionHandler(echoopt); // Connect to the specified server telnet.connect(server,23); // Get input and output stream references in = telnet.getInputStream(); out = new PrintStream(telnet.getOutputStream()); // Log the user on readUntil("login: "); write(user); readUntil("Password: "); write(password); // Advance to a prompt readUntil(prompt + " "); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void su(String password) { try { write("su"); readUntil("Password: "); write(password); prompt = "#"; readUntil(prompt + " "); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public String readUntil(String pattern) { try { char lastChar = pattern.charAt(pattern.length() - 1); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); boolean found = false; char ch = (char); while (true) { System.out.print(ch); sb.append(ch); if (ch == lastChar) { if (sb.toString().endsWith(pattern)) { return sb.toString(); } } ch = (char); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public void write(String value) { try { out.println(value); out.flush(); System.out.println(value); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public String sendCommand(String command) { try { write(command); return readUntil(prompt + " "); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public void disconnect() { try { telnet.disconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void main(String[] args) { try { AutomatedTelnetClient telnet = new AutomatedTelnetClient( "...","...","..."); System.out.println("Got Connection..."); System.out.println("run command"); telnet.sendCommand("ls "); telnet.sendCommand("cd netConf"); telnet.sendCommand("ls "); telnet.sendCommand("cd lanSetup"); telnet.sendCommand("ls "); telnet.sendCommand("cd dhcpd"); telnet.sendCommand("show interface 2"); telnet.disconnect(); System.out.println("DONE"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
The trouble is that when I send a command, the response presupposes the previous callback For example, when I send the LS command, this is the response I read
[mls ....
I tried to search in how to disable echo, but no one seems to have an answer So I decided to ask the community Who knows how to disable this echo?
Looking at the source code of echooptionhandler puzzles me Why does the sub negotiation method only return null?
Interesting question Sum up my efforts: I didn't get normal work
You cannot write IAC do not echo directly to the data channel. This is done through commands and options like this example
int[] msg = {TelnetCommand.DONT,TelnetOption.ECHO}; telnet.sendSubnegotiation(msg);
You can sign up for telnet registerNotifHandler(new MyNotificationHandler()); Debug commands during connection setup
public class MyNotificationHandler implements TelnetNotificationHandler { @Override public void receivedNegotiation(int negotiation_code,int option_code) { System.out.println("--->"+get(negotiation_code)+" " +TelnetOption.getOption(option_code)); } private String get(int i) { if(i==TelnetNotificationHandler.RECEIVED_DO){return "RECEIVED_DO";} else if(i==TelnetNotificationHandler.RECEIVED_DONT){return "RECEIVED_DONT";} else if(i==TelnetNotificationHandler.RECEIVED_WILL){return "RECEIVED_WILL";} else if(i==TelnetNotificationHandler.RECEIVED_WONT){return "RECEIVED_WONT";} else if(i==TelnetNotificationHandler.RECEIVED_COMMAND) {return "RECEIVED_COMMAND";} return "UNKNowN"; } }