Java – generate fractal rotation
I need to use the algorithm iterated function system to draw fractal vortices
This fractal has coefficients:
0.745455 -0.459091 0.406061 0.887121 1.460279 0.691072 0.912675 -0.424242 -0.065152 -0.175758 -0.218182 3.809567 6.741476 0.087325
Here is my code:
import java.awt.Graphics; import javax.swing.JPanel; public class Surface extends JPanel { double a1 = 0.745455; double b1 = -0.459091; double d1 = 0.406061; double e1 = 0.887121; double c1 = 1.460279; double f1 = 0.691072; double p1 = 0.912675; double a2 = -0.424242; double b2 = -0.065152; double d2 = -0.175758; double e2 = -0.218182; double c2 = 3.809567; double f2 = 6.741476; double p2 = 0.087325; double x1(double x,double y) { return a1 * x + b1 * y + c1; } double y1(double x,double y) { return d1 * x + e1 * y + f1; } double x2(double x,double y) { return a2 * x + b2 * y + c2; } double y2(double x,double y) { return d2 * x + e2 * y + f2; } public void paint(Graphics g) { drawFractal(g); } void drawFractal(Graphics g) { double x1 = 300; double y1 = 300; double x2 = 0; double y2 = 0; g.fillOval(300 + (int) x1,300 + (int) y1,3,3); for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { double p = Math.random(); if (p < 0.91675) { x2 = x1(x1,y1); y2 = y1(x1,y1); g.fillOval(300 + (int) x2,300 + (int) y2,3); x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } else { x2 = x2(x1,y1); y2 = y2(x1,3); x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } } } }
Unfortunately, using this code, I get a wrong picture:
It would be great if someone could point out my mistake
Your generation seems to be right (i.e. don't do X1 = x2 300; Y1 = Y2 300;), But your problem is to leave scale for rendering purposes This means that few points fall outside the center of the image
Your window is [0.. 600] x [0.. 600] Try multiplying x2 and Y2 by 50 so that you render the space of the [- 6.. 6] x [- 6.. 6] area instead of the [- 300.. 300] x [- 300.. 300] area
Notice that you draw a single pixel (as your own row) instead of 3 × The ellipse should be sufficient
int xp = 300 + (int) (x2 * scale); int yp = 300 + (int) (y2 * scale); g.drawLine(xp,yp,xp,yp);
Depending on what is rendered, you may need to adjust the scale slightly to get the whole image with a reasonable boundary Note that the second transform offset is - 6.7, so the scale of 30 should be correct
Also note that by using X1 = x2 300; y1 = y2 300; You change the transformation and get a different fractal (in the proportion you want)