In Linux 7 Install JDK + Tomcat + Oracle9i on 1

This paper draws lessons from Article: installing Oracle 9i on RedHat Linux 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 8.0, 9, red hat advanced server 2.1, and on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 3 (RHEL as 3) machine configuration: HP LH6000 CPU PIII 700 memory 512M two 36g hard disks, raid0 Linux version: RedHat Linux 7.1 partition: / boot: 100M swap: 1024m /: choose to install XWindow and KDE in all remaining spaces. Setting XWindow can support tools such as xmmanager to log in to Linux remotely. The settings are as follows: #vi / etc / X11 / XDM / XDM config is on the last line: displaymanager Requestport: 0 preceded by! Comment out this line# VI / etc / X11 / XDM / xservers comment out the last line:: 0 local / usr / X11R6 / bin / x with # sign# VI / etc / X11 / XDM / xaccess find #* #any host can get a login window, remove the # number in front of this line and change it to: * #any host can get a login window, and finally run #xdm. In this way, you can connect to Linux by using tools such as xmmanager!!! If you want to start XDM automatically every time you start it, then go to / etc / RC d/rc. Add / etc / X11R6 / bin / XDM at the end of the local file to install Oracle9i Oracle9i for Linux, which can be downloaded from the following website: There are three packages: Linux 9i_ Disk1. cpio. gz Linux9i_ Disk2. cpio. gz Linux9i_ Disk3. cpio. GZ unpacking if you want to unpack these packages in one step, use the following command: zcat linux9i_ Disk1. cpio. gz | cpio -idmv zcat Linux9i_ Disk2. cpio. gz | cpio -idmv zcat Linux9i_ Disk3. cpio. GZ | CPIO cidmv if you unpack these packages in two steps: Step 1: unzip #gunzip - D linux9i_ Disk1. cpio. gz #gunzip -d Linux9i_ Disk2. cpio. gz #gunzip -d Linux9i_ Disk3. cpio. GZ step 2: unpacking: CPIO - idmv < linux9i_ withjre_ Disk1. cpio cpio -idmv < Linux9i_ nojre_ Disk2. cpio cpio -idmv < Linux9i_ Disk3. After CPIO completes the above operations, it will get three folders: disk1, Disk2 and Disk3. These three folders are the installation files of Oracle 9i

Swap space the swap space recommended by Oracle is twice the physical memory or at least 512MB, whichever is greater. I suggest using more swap space, especially when you have other programs running on the Oracle server, my PC has 256MB of memory, and I use 600MB of swap space. If there is not enough exchange space when installing Oracle, especially when building the database, the system will not respond for several minutes. Check swap space: cat / proc / swap increase swap space:

DD if = / dev / zero of = tmpswap BS = 1K count = 300000 Chmod 600 tmpswap mkswap tmpswap swap on tmpswap "binutils" RPM version problem the binutils RPM package accompanying 7.1 and 7.2 makes 9i universal installer unable to run, and there is no updated version to solve this problem. You can have two options: Download the RPM package of the following version, "Demote" binutil on Oracle server: Installation: binutils-2.10 0.18-1. i386. rpm #rpm CUvh --force --nodeps binutils-2.10. 0.18-1. i386. After installing Oracle, don't forget to upgrade binutil back. Another simple method is to wait for the following errors during installation, and then repair them manually: "error invoking target install of makefile / opt / Oracle / product / 9.0.1 / PLSQL / lib / ins_plsql. MK" repair method: edit $oracle_ Home / bin / genclnth LD_ SELF_ Contained = "- Z defs" changed to: LD_ SELF_ Contained = "" then run the script: $oracle ""_ HOME/bin/genclntsh: $ $ORACLE_ HOME/bin/genclntsh

Created /opt/oracle/product/9.0. 1/lib/libclntst9. a

Then select retry. Install JDK and download JDK 1.3 1 or blackdown 1.1 8_ v3 (I always use blackdown, which Oracle previously recommended to Linux users). According to the JDK documentation, install the JDK in the / usr / local directory and connect the JDK symbol to / usr / local / Java: #bzip2 - DC jdk118_v3-glibc-2.1.3.tar.bz2 | tar XF -- C / usr / local #ln - S / usr / local / jdk118_v3 / usr / local / Java to establish Oracle user groupadd DBA groupadd Oinstall useradd - G oinstall - G DBA Oracle passwd Oracle create Oracle directory MKDIR / opt / Oracle MKDIR / opt / Oracle / product MKDIR / opt / Oracle / product / 9.0 1 chown -R oracle. oinstall /opt/oracle mkdir /var/opt/oracle chown oracle. DBA / var / opt / Oracle Chmod 755 / var / opt / Oracle set the Oracle environment to enter the Oracle user and create $home / bash_ profile: # Oracle Environment export ORACLE_ BASE=/opt/oracle export ORACLE_ HOME=/opt/oracle/product/9.0. 1 export ORACLE_ SID=test export ORACLE_ TERM=xterm #export TNS_ Admin = set this variable if sqlnet ora,tnsnames. Oracle is not in $Oracle_ Home / network / Admin directory.

export NLS_ LANG=AMERICAN; export ORA_ NLS33=$ORACLE_ HOME/ocommon/nls/admin/data LD_ LIBRARY_ PATH=$ORACLE_ HOME/lib:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/openwin/lib LD_ LIBRARY_ PATH=$LD_ LIBRARY_ PATH:/usr/td/lib:/usr/ucblib:/usr/local/lib export LD_ LIBRARY_ PATH # Set shell search paths: PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/etc:/opt/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/openwin/bin:/opt/local/GNU/bin PATH=$PATH:/opt/local/bin:/opt/NSCPnav/bin:$ORACLE_ HOME/bin PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/samba/bin:/usr/ucb: export PATH # CLASSPATH must include the following JRE locations: CLASSPATH=$ORACLE_ HOME/JRE:$ORACLE_ HOME/jlib:$ORACLE_ HOME/rdbms/jlib CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$ORACLE_ HOME/network/jlib

Here is my $home / bash_ The contents of the profile file # bash_ profile# Get the aliases and functionsif [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/. bashrcfi# User specific environment and startup programsPATH=$PATH:$HOME/binBASH_ ENV=$HOME/. bashrcexport BASH_ ENV PATHunset USERNAMEexport ORACLE_ BASE=/opt/oracle export ORACLE_ HOME=/opt/oracle/product/9.0. 1 export ORACLE_ SID=test export ORACLE_ TERM=xterm export NLS_ LANG=AMERICAN; export ORA_ NLS33=$ORACLE_ HOME/ocommon/nls/admin/data LD_ LIBRARY_ PATH=$ORACLE_ HOME/lib:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/openwin/lib LD_ LIBRARY_ PATH=$LD_ LIBRARY_ PATH:/usr/td/lib:/usr/ucblib:/usr/local/lib export LD_ LIBRARY_ PATH PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/etc:/opt/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/openwin/bin:/opt/local/GNU/bin PATH=$PATH:/opt/local/bin:/opt/NSCPnav/bin:$ORACLE_ HOME/bin PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/samba/bin:/usr/ucb: export PATH CLASSPATH=$ORACLE_ HOME/JRE:$ORACLE_ HOME/jlib:$ORACLE_ HOME/rdbms/jlib CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$ORACLE_ HOME/network/jlib export CLASSPATH

Start runinstaller. Oracle no longer supports character mode installation, so the display variable must be set. Assuming that the node name is Oracle server, Oracle server must allow runinstaller to display x information. If you are not installing the database remotely, you can skip the first and second steps below. Step 1: yourdesktop: user $xhost + oracleserver step 2: execute as an Oracle user from the Oracle server console: Oracle server: Oracle $export display = yourdesktop: 0.0 step 3 A: execute runinstaller from the first CD (do not CD to / MNT / CDROM!) Oracle server: Oracle $mount / MNT / CDROM Oracle server: Oracle $/ MNT / CDROM / runinstaller step 3 B: or run Oracle installation from the download point: Oracle server: Oracle $disk1 / runinstaller (Note: use my installation method without setting the display variable). Here is my answer to the runinstaller's question: what would you like as the base directory (Inventory Location): /opt/oracle/oraInventory UNIX Group Name (permission for updating Oracle software): oinstall Full path name of the Oracle Home: /opt/oracle/product/9.0. 1 JDK home directory: / usr / local / Java note: if there is no "downgrade" binutils package, you will see the following error when installing to the third CD: "error invoking target install of makefile / opt / Oracle / product / 9.0.1 / PLSQL / lib / ins_plsql. MK". For the solution, see "Oracle installation error" later. You may also encounter the problem of "Oracle net configuration assistant" hanging, Please refer to the following "important tips and hints in Oracle installation" ". start Oracle 9i. There is no svrmgrl in database 9i. All management work has been completed through sqlplus: DBA $sqlplus / nolog SQL > connect / as SYSDBA SQL > startup ' important skills and tips in Oracle installation. If there is an error in gunzip, check the checksum of the file: $md5sum linux9i_disk1.cpio.gz linux9i_disk2.cpio.gz Linu x9i_ Disk3. cpio. gz f1a99eb8c8aca1d69a9eeaa8858570d7 Linux9i_ Disk1. cpio. gz f2444c0fa53c898e7d2f78c184829d7d Linux9i_ Disk2. cpio. gz ec655402d8bc547ed031f14122da574b Linux9i_ Disk3. cpio. GZ do not CD to / MNT / CDROM for execution/ runInstaller ! Otherwise, you will not be able to eject the CD during installation, because unmount cannot remove the attached CD. If you forget to set the display environment variable or give the database server permission to display x information on the desktop PC (for example: xhost + oracleserver), you will get the following error: Xlib: connection to ": 0.0" rejected by server Xlib: client is not authorized to connect to server. The solution is: RM - RF / TMP / orainstall if you don't do this, The installer will hang there without any error messages. Also check whether runinstaller stops running in the background. When runinstaller starts configuring the tool, "Oracle net configuration assistant" will hang. The simple solution is to stop its configuration, reconfigure or continue the installation. When other installations are completed, One more "retry" ". if the system stops responding during installation, there may not be enough swap space. If this happens, you can only wait until the system responds. Oracle installation also needs to run programs such as make. In the production environment, you may not have installed compilers and other development tools, so you need to temporarily install the following packages: CPP, EGCS, egcs-c++ ,glibc-devel,kernel-headers 。 If you cannot successfully install 9i and need to restart, you need to clear the following files and directories: RM - RF / etc / orainst loc /etc/oratab /tmp/OraInstall rm -rf $ORACLE_ Base / * / TMP / Oracle installation error the following are the problems and solutions encountered by others during Oracle installation. I have not encountered most of them, so I am not sure whether these answers are correct. If you have good solutions or other problems, you can write to me and I will add them to this file. First check the error log in / TMP / orainstall. If you encounter a make error, check: $oracle_ HOME/install/make. log 。 "Error invoking target install of makefile /opt/oracle/product/9.0.1/plsql/lib/" "Error invoking target install of makefile /opt/oracle/product/9.0.1/precomp/lib/" "Error invoking target install of makefile /opt/oracle/product/9.0.1/precomp/lib/ins-net-client" "Error invoking target install of makefile / opt / Oracle / product / 9.0.1 / precomp / lib / INS oemagent" Edit $Oracle_ Home / bin / genclnth LD_ SELF_ Contained = "- Z defs" changed to: LD_ SELF_ Contained = "" then run the script: $oracle ""_ HOME/bin/genclntsh: $ $ORACLE_ HOME/bin/genclntsh

Created /opt/oracle/product/9.0. 1/lib/libclntst9. A $click Retry in the error dialog box. "Error in setting permissions of file / directory / opt / Oracle / JRE / 1.1.8/bin/i686/native_threads /. Extract_args. When the error box opens, manually find and copy the file. Extract_args from the directory where JRE is installed to the place where the runinstaller prompt file is missing. The installation package I use to install jdk1.3.1 is j2sdk-1_3_1-linux-i386-rpm.bin #chmod + X j2sdk-1_3_1-linux-i3 86-rpm. bin #./ j2sdk-1_ 3_ 1-linux-i386-rpm. Bin this will generate the RPM installation package #rpm civh j2sdk-1_ 3_ After 1-linux-i386-rpm is successfully installed, the JDK will be installed in / usr / Java / jdk1 3.1 edit the / etc / profile file in the directory and add the following lines: Java_ HOME=/usr/java/jdk1. 3.1 export JAVA_ HOME CLASSPATH=/usr/java/jdk1. 3.1/lib:/usr/java/jdk1. 3.1/jre/lib export CLASSPATH PATH=$PATH:/usr/java/jdk1. 3.1/bin:/usr/java/jdk1. 3.1/jre/bin and then launch. The JDK setup is complete. Verify the JDK installation: #java - version will prompt that the Java version is 1.3 1. Install Tomcat. Download the Tomcat installation file: Jakarta Tomcat tar. gz #tar zxvf jakarta-tomcat. tar. GZ #cp CR Jakarta Tomcat / usr / Tomcat (copy the extracted folder to / USR) #cd / usr / Tomcat / bin #/ startup. Sh (start Tomcat) to verify that Tomcat is running normally. Enter in the IE browser http://tomcatserver:8080 If the Tomcat interface appears, it is successful!!! Very simple!!!

If you want to connect to Oracle, you need to edit the server in the / ust / Tomcat / conf directory XML file. And Oracle driver!

Finally finished!!!! Tired!!!!!!

The content of this article comes from the network collection of netizens. It is used as a learning reference. The copyright belongs to the original author.
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