Java – will The war file deployed to Tomcat 8 works normally in the IDE, but when I deploy to my VPS, I lose all JS and CSS
I have a spring boot application When I started running Tomcat 8.0 in my IntelliJ IDE_ I have no problem. It looks great I decided to deploy on my VPS with only HTML rendering I set it manually The war file is put into webapps and the problem is copied on my localhost Since I received all 404 errors, I think I may need to set a webconfig class:
@Configuration public class WebConfiguration extends WebMvcAutoConfiguration.WebMvcAutoConfigurationAdapter { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(WebMvcAutoConfiguration.class); @Override public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) { registry.setOrder(Ordered.HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE); registry.addResourceHandler("/css/**").addResourceLocations("/resources/css/"); registry.addResourceHandler("/image/**").addResourceLocations("/resources/image/"); registry.addResourceHandler("/images/**").addResourceLocations("/resources/images/"); registry.addResourceHandler("/javascripts/**").addResourceLocations("/resources/javascripts/"); registry.addResourceHandler("/libs/**").addResourceLocations("/resources/lib/"); } @Override public void configureDefaultServletHandling(DefaultServletHandlerConfigurer configurer) { configurer.enable(); } @Bean public DispatcherServlet dispatcherServlet(){ DispatcherServlet dispatcherServlet = new DispatcherServlet(); dispatcherServlet.setThrowExceptionIfNoHandlerFound(true); return dispatcherServlet; } @Bean public ServletContextTemplateResolver templateResolver() { ServletContextTemplateResolver resolver = new ServletContextTemplateResolver(); resolver.setPrefix("/WEB-INF/"); resolver.setSuffix(".html"); resolver.setTemplateMode("HTML5"); resolver.setOrder(1); return resolver; } }
I need servletcontexttemplateresolver because I use spring mobile and I have a problem rendering the page
I didn't see localhost in the log on Tomcat Log and cataline log
@SpringBootApplication public class StidhamFinancialApplication extends SpringBootServletInitializer { public static void main(String[] args) throws UnkNownHostException { SpringApplication app = new SpringApplication(StidhamFinancialApplication.class); Environment env =; System.out.println(String.format("Access URLs:\n----------------------------------------------------------\n\t" + "Local: \t\thttp://\n\t" + "External: \thttp://%2s:%3s\n----------------------------------------------------------",env.getProperty("server.port"),InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(),env.getProperty("server.port"))); } @Override protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder builder) { return builder.sources(StidhamFinancialApplication.class); } }
All my JS and CSS files can be found in my IDE, and everything seems to be configured correctly I don't know what to try next I've been debugging and have no luck these days
I am here Git on uploaded it
Any suggestions would be appreciated
Only the logs complain about some jar files:
org.apache.jasper.servlet.TldScanner$TldScannerCallback.scan No TLD files were found in [file:/Library/apache-tomcat-8.0.35/webapps/stidhamfinancial/WEB-INF/lib/jandex-1.1.0.Final.jar]. Consider adding the JAR to the tomcat.util.scan.StandardJarScanFilter.jarsToSkip property in CATALINA_BASE/conf/ file.
In my logging Properties, I added the following:
org.apache.jasper.compiler.TldLocationsCache.level = FINE org.apache.catalina.startup.TldConfig.jarsToSkip=antlr-2.7.7.jar org.apache.catalina.startup.TldConfig.jarsToSkip=spring-boot-1.3.5.RELEASE.jar org.apache.catalina.startup.TldConfig.jarsToSkip=groovy-2.4.6.jar org.apache.catalina.startup.TldConfig.jarsToSkip=javassist-3.18.1-GA.jar org.apache.catalina.startup.TldConfig.jarsToSkip=aopalliance-1.0.jar
After doing some research, it seems useless But I don't think it could be a problem
I opened this pull request to solve your problem
I added some hibernate configurations to be able to run and execute tests It also removed "/. From the resource path
I found the problem The resource folder structure is as follows: resource CSS style CSS file picture team 6-med-blur png
So in the file style In CSS, the image path is relative to the file, not to the application context Then you need to change: background image: website ('resource / image / stidhamfinancial / team-6 - med-blur. PNG '); To background image: website ('.. / image / stidhamfinancial / team-6 - med-blur. PNG');
It will display the image
I also opened this PR #2