@ preauthorize at the type level of Java – spring security cannot be overridden at the method level
I try to protect the controller with a type level @ preauthorize annotation and try to override this behavior by using different @ preauthorize annotation methods However, the problem is that spring first evaluates method annotations (grant access) and then class annotations (access denied)
Is there any way to reverse this order? I haven't figured it out yet
At the method level, I only want to grant access to unregistered users:
@PreAuthorize("isAnonymous()") @RequestMapping(value = "/create",method = RequestMethod.GET) public String renderCreateEntity(ModelMap model) { return userService.renderCreateEntity(model); }@H_502_9@但是,该控制器的标准应该是允许完全认证的用户:
@Controller @RequestMapping(value = "/user") @PreAuthorize("isFullyAuthenticated()") public class UserController { [...] }@H_502_9@当调试逐步通过应用程序,我看到isAnonymous()被先评估,然后isFullyAuthenticated(),从而导致访问权限的授予,并立即拒绝访问.
Thank you for all your replies
I'll put this here in case someone else has the same problem
I registered a custom validator in the @ initbinder annotation method This binding method is called the method call requested on the controller Moreover, the request was rejected because this binding method did not use the @ preauthorize annotation
The solution is annotation binding, as follows:
@InitBinder @PreAuthorize("permitAll") public void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) { binder.setValidator(validator); }@H_502_9@然后,该方法从我的OP调用像预期一样.