Java – parameterized query: check whether the field is in the value array in the select statement
I'm trying to configure a parameterized query to have the following effects:
SELECT field1 FROM myTable WHERE field2 IN (1,2,3,4)
The database I'm using is Postgres
The query ran successfully without parameterization, but I want to use a parameterized query with jdbctemplate to populate the list with valid field2 values (this is an integer)
Try various values of VaR ("1,4", "[1,4]", "{1,4}" or "(1,4))") variants of queries I have tried:
myJdbcTemplate.query("SELECT field1 FROM field2 IN (?)",new Object[]{ var })
myJdbcTemplate.query("SELECT field1 FROM field2 IN (?::integer[])",new Object[]{ var })
myJdbcTemplate.query("SELECT field1 FROM field2 IN ?::integer[]",new Object[]{ var })
In addition, resources that describe how to parameterize queries are also useful
All these queries throw psqlexceptions indicating operator failure or type mismatch - which seems reasonable because I can't figure out how to parameterize the query
Take a look at the data access web page, especially 11.7 Section 3, where namedparameterjdbctemplate is used to construct the "in" clause
for example
NamedParameterJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(dataSource); String sql = "select * from emp where empno in (:ids)"; List idList = new ArrayList(2); idList.add(new Long(7782)); idList.add(new Long(7788)); Map parameters = new HashMap(); parameters.put("ids",idList); List emps = jdbcTemplate.query(sql,parameters,new EmpMapper());