Java – what’s the difference between formatting integers as% D and% s?
Although both are grammatically valid, the following important potential differences should be noted:
String result = String.format("Here is a number - %s",someIntValue);
String result = String.format("Here is a number - %d",someIntValue);
In both cases, someintvalue is int?
For formatter syntax, see the documentation
For% s:
Integer does not implement formattable, so toString. Is called
For% d:
In most cases, the results are the same However,% d is also restricted by locale For example, in Hindi, 100000 will be formatted as 100000 (Devanagari numerals)
You can run this short snippet to view locales with non-standard output:
for (Locale locale : Locale.getAvailableLocales()) { String format = String.format(locale,"%d",100_000); if (!format.equals("100000")) System.out.println(locale + " " + format); }
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