java – ! list. Isempty() and list Size () > 0, same conditions?
I see such code
if (!substanceList.isEmpty() && (substanceList.size() > 0)) { substanceText = createAmountText(substanceList); }
And you can reconstruct it like this
if (!substanceList.isEmpty()) { substanceText = createAmountText(substanceList); }
I want to explain the above code and wonder if the second method may cause some errors
If you have any questions, please read the Javadoc:
Collection. isEmpty():
Collection. size():
Therefore, it is assumed that the set is implemented correctly:
collection.isEmpty() <=> collection.size() == 0
Or, conversely:
!collection.isEmpty() <=> collection.size() != 0
Since the number of elements should only be positive, this means:
!collection.isEmpty() <=> collection.size() > 0
So yes, the two forms are equivalent
Warning: in fact, if your collection is not modified from another thread at the same time, they are only equivalent
!substanceList.isEmpty() && (substanceList.size() > 0)
Equivalent to the logic I mentioned above:
!substanceList.isEmpty() && !substanceList.isEmpty()
You can only simplify this
If you can guarantee that its value is in substancelist Isempty() does not change between evaluations
In fact, you are unlikely to need to care about the differences between these situations, at least at this point in the code You may need to be concerned about the list of changes in another thread, but if it becomes empty before (or at the same time) createmounttext is executed But this is not introduced by refactoring
TL; Dr: did almost the same thing with if (! Substancelist. Isempty()) {and read it more clearly