How to convert InputStream to inputstreamsource or datasource to attach in spring JavaMail
I'm getting the input stream from jsch channelsftp, as shown below
ChannelSftp channelSftp = (ChannelSftp)channel; InputStream input=channelsftp.get(unixPath);//unixPath is path to my file which is on SFTP server
I have to attach the file in unixpath in the spring JavaMail attachment But when I see the API of the spring JavaMail addattachment () method, it only needs inputstreamsource or datasource My problem is that I can't get inputstreamsource or datasource from InputStream. I get it from SFTP channel How do I get inputstreamsource or datasource from the input stream above? Thank you in advance
From the document, inputstreamsource is an interface One implementation is inputstreamresource, which has a constructor to receive InputStream Here is the JavaDoc for it.
You should be able to set up your phone like this:
addAttachment("Not porn",new InputStreamResource(inputStream));
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