Java – add parameters to the job context from the tasklet step and use them in subsequent steps of spring batch
Now, I use jobparameters to get the file names of my flatfileitemreader and flatfileitemwriter My batch can be tested, but my goal is to read a file in a directory (there is only this file in the directory), and the file name may change The output file name should depend on the input file name
Therefore, I thought of adding a new step to my work, which will set the output and input file names by searching a good directory and looking for files I read passing data to future steps from spring doc and this thread from so, but I can't make it work. These files are always "null"
First, I defined the following tasklets
public class SettingFilenamesTasklet implements Tasklet { private StepExecution stepExecution; @Override public RepeatStatus execute(StepContribution contribution,ChunkContext chunkContext) throws Exception { // TODO Search folder and set real filenames String inputFilename = "D:/TestInputFolder/dataFile.csv"; String outputFilename = "D:/TestOutputFolder/dataFile-processed.csv"; ExecutionContext stepContext = stepExecution.getExecutionContext(); stepContext.put("inputFile",inputFilename); stepContext.put("outputFile",outputFilename); return RepeatStatus.FINISHED; } @BeforeStep public void saveStepExecution(StepExecution stepExec) { stepExecution = stepExec; } }
Then, I added the promotionlistener bean
@Bean public ExecutionContextPromotionListener promotionListener() { ExecutionContextPromotionListener listener = new ExecutionContextPromotionListener(); listener.setKeys(new String[]{ "inputFile","outputFile" }); return listener; }
I changed jobparameters through jobexecutioncontext in my flatfileitemwriter definition (I didn't change a line of code itself)
@Bean @StepScope public FlatFileItemWriter<RedevableCRE> flatFileWriter(@Value("#{jobExecutionContext[outputFile]}") String outputFile) { FlatFileItemWriter<Employee> flatWriter = new FlatFileItemWriter<Employee>(); FileSystemResource isr; isr = new FileSystemResource(new File(outputFile)); flatWriter.setResource(isr); DelimitedLineAggregator<RedevableCRE> aggregator = new DelimitedLineAggregator<RedevableCRE>(); aggregator.setDelimiter(";"); BeanWrapperFieldExtractor<RedevableCRE> beanWrapper = new BeanWrapperFieldExtractor<RedevableCRE>(); beanWrapper.setNames(new String[]{ "id","firstName","lastName","phone","address" }); aggregator.setFieldExtractor(beanWrapper); flatWriter.setLineAggregator(aggregator); flatWriter.setEncoding("ISO-8859-1"); return flatWriter; }
I added my tasklet bean
@Bean public SettingFilenamesTasklet settingFilenames() { return new SettingFilenamesTasklet(); }
I created a new step to add my work declaration
@Bean public Step stepSettings(StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory,SettingFilenamesTasklet tasklet,ExecutionContextPromotionListener listener) { return stepBuilderFactory.get("stepSettings").tasklet(tasklet).listener(listener).build(); }
At present, the flatfileitemreader still uses the jobparameters value. I want my flatfileitemwriter to work first I received the following error:
[...] Caused by: org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate [org.springframework.batch.item.file.FlatFileItemWriter]: Factory method 'flatFileWriter' threw exception; nested exception is java.lang.NullPointerException at at ... 87 common frames omitted Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null at<init>(UnkNown Source) at batchTest.BatchConfiguration.flatFileWriter( at batchTest.BatchConfiguration$$EnhancerBySpringcglib$$5d415889.cglib$flatFileWriter$1(<generated>) at batchTest.BatchConfiguration$$EnhancerBySpringcglib$$5d415889$$FastClassBySpringcglib$$969a8527.invoke(<generated>) at org.springframework.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy.invokeSuper( at org.springframework.context.annotation.ConfigurationClassEnhancer$BeanMethodInterceptor.intercept( at batchTest.BatchConfiguration$$EnhancerBySpringcglib$$5d415889.flatFileWriter(<generated>) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(UnkNown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(UnkNown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(UnkNown Source) at ... 88 common frames omitted
I tried to replace the @ stepscope annotation with @ jobscope; Inserting my parameters directly into jobexecutioncontext (jobexecutionlistener) instead of using stepcontext promotionlistener... Doesn't work When I try to create a flatfileitemwriter, the resource file is always empty
I'm missing what
Thanks for your help.
In tasklet, you can use chunkcontext, so you don't need @ beforestep. You can delete it (in my configuration, it's not called at all. It doesn't make sense when you think of it as an action step, but I won't look at NPE, so I guess this division of work) We solved this problem in one of two ways:
>You can use chunkcontext Getstepcontext () directly adds any parameters in the tasklet to the job ExecutionContext getStepExecution(). getJobExecution(). getExecutionContext(). put(“inputFile”,inputFilename);> You can add executioncontextpromotionlistener to the tasklet step, and then execute chunkcontext getStepContext(). getStepExecution(). getExecutionContext(). put(“inputFile”,inputFilename);