Multithreading – why does my application crash when modifying the core data relationship in the nsoperation subclass?


I have the following object trees:

Name                       Project       
Users                      nil           
  John                     nil            
    Documents              nil           
      Acme Project         Acme Project    <--- User selects a project
        Proposal.doc       Acme Project  
          12:32-12:33      Acme Project  
          13:11-13:33      Acme Project  
            ...thousands more entries here...

>Users can assign a group to an item All descendants are set to this item. > This locks the main thread, so I use nsoperations. > I am using this method approved by apple to see the nsmanagedobjectcontextdidsavenotification and merge it into the main context


My save has failed with the following error:

Pending changes cannot be processed before saving After 100 attempts, the context is still dirty Usually this recursive dirty is caused by a bad validation method, - willsave or notification handler

I tried

I've eliminated all the complexity of my application and done the simplest project I can think of And the error still occurs I tried:

>Set the maximum number of operands on the queue to 1 or 10. > Call refreshobject: mergechanges: at several points in the nsoperation subclass. > Set the merge policy in the managed object context. > Establish and analyze It's empty

My question

How do I set up relationships in nsoperation without my application crashing? Of course, isn't this the limitation of core data? Can it?


Download my project:

main controller

@implementation JGMainController

-(IBAction)startTest:(id)sender {
    NSManagedObjectContext *imoc = [[NSApp delegate] managedObjectContext];

    JGProject *newProject = [JGProject insertInManagedObjectContext:imoc];
    [newProject setProjectName:@"Project"];
    [imoc save];

        // Make an Operation Queue
    NSOperationQueue *queue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
    [queue setMaxConcurrentOperationCount:1]; // Also crashes with a higher number here (unsurprisingly)

    NSSet *allTrainingGroupsSet = [imoc fetchAllObjectsForEntityName:@"TrainingGroup"];

    for(JGTrainingGroup *thisTrainingGroup in allTrainingGroupsSet) {
        JGMakeRelationship *makeRelationshipOperation = [[JGMakeRelationship alloc] trainGroup:[thisTrainingGroup objectID] withProject:[newProject objectID]];
        [queue addOperation:makeRelationshipOperation];
        makeRelationshipOperation = nil;

    // Called on app launch.
-(void)setupLotsOfTestData {
         // Sets up 10000 groups and one project


Perform relationship operations

@implementation JGMakeRelationshipOperation

-(id)trainGroup:(NSManagedObjectID *)groupObjectID_ withProject:(NSManagedObjectID *)projectObjectID_ {
    appDelegate = [NSApp delegate];
    imoc = [[NSManagedObjectContext alloc] init];
    [imoc setPersistentStoreCoordinator:[appDelegate persistentStoreCoordinator]];
    [imoc setUndoManager:nil];
    [imoc setMergePolicy:NSMergeByPropertyStoreTrumpMergePolicy];

    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
    groupObjectID = groupObjectID_;
    projectObjectID = projectObjectID_;
    return self;

-(void)main {
    JGProject       *project        = (JGProject *)[imoc objectWithID:projectObjectID];
    JGTrainingGroup *trainingGroup = (JGTrainingGroup *)[imoc objectWithID:groupObjectID];
    [project addGroupsAssignedObject:trainingGroup];
    [imoc save];

    trainingGroupObjectIDs = nil;
    projectObjectID = nil;
    project = nil;
    trainingGroup = nil;

-(void)mergeChanges:(NSNotification *)notification {
    NSManagedObjectContext *mainContext = [appDelegate managedObjectContext];
    [mainContext performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification:)

-(void)finalize {
    appDelegate = nil;
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
    imoc = nil;
    [super finalize];

@implementation NSManagedObjectContext (JGUtilities)

-(BOOL)save {
         // If there's an save error,I throw an exception


data model

Update 1

I've tried some, and even without merging, I still throw an exception After modifying the relationship, it is sufficient to save the management object context in another thread

I have a shared persistence store coordinator with application representatives I've tried to create a separate nspersistent storecoordinator for threads using the same URL as the data store, but core data complains

I am happy to offer advice on how to make thread coordinators The core data file mentions a method, but I can't see how


You are crossing a very bad stream (in this case, a thread) in coredata Look at this:

Starttest is called from a button (it is ibaction, assuming the button is clicked) on the main thread > your for loop uses the initialization program trainggroup to create a jgmakerelationship object: withproject: (this should be called init, and super may be called, but this will not cause this problem) > In the main thread, create a new managed object context in the operation. > Now the operation queue calls the operation "main" method from the worker thread (place a breakpoint here and you will see that it is not on the main thread). > Your application thrives because you have accessed the managed object context from a different thread than the thread it created


Initializes the managed object context in the main method of the operation

The content of this article comes from the network collection of netizens. It is used as a learning reference. The copyright belongs to the original author.
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