Java – sockettimeoutexception when building ant in eclipse
I had problems building some of my ant scripts using eclipse (some built normally, others didn't) Basically, I'm at eclipse Mars 1 there is no output in the release (4.5.1) console When I run it on the command line, my build XML works properly I can work in workspace / Metadata / . Log, where I found the following error message:
!ENTRY org.eclipse.ant.launching 4 120 2016-03-03 09:58:38.197 !MESSAGE Error logged from Ant UI: !STACK 0 Accept timed out at Method) at at at at org.eclipse.ant.internal.launching.launchConfigurations.RemoteAntBuildListener$
Others asked about stackoverflow
Another strange thing I noticed is that there is a line of text right above the console showing which java version is being used, and working scripts are different from non working scripts Using jdk1 7.0_ 79 working ant build script, and failed to use / system installation 1.6
I don't know why Java 1.6 can't work for me, but I finally found a place where I can change Java for ant build It is located in run / external tools / external tool configuration... / < select failed build > / JRE Strangely, after making it work and trying to switch back to 1.6, it gives the following message when running ant:
JRE version less than 1.7 is not supported.
So who knows why 1.6 was selected first (maybe the project itself is 1.6) or why it didn't give me a warning!
Anyway, there seem to be several reasons for the error I posted above, but you can try here