How to generate RTF from Java?
I work on a web - based tool that provides customized printing
At present, we use java to build an XML structure, provide it with customized xsl-fo to xmlmind xsl-fo converter, and then generate an RTF document
This works well in simple layout, but there are some problems. I want better control, or I can't do what I want at all F. Ex: header, footer (e.g. page number), column, table with separate column settings or different page number information on the first page, etc
Anyone knows a better alternative, whether it's xmlmind or our way from data to RTF, that is, Java - > XML, XML XSL - > RTF? (our only real limitation is the JVM.)
If you can spend some money, you can use Aspose Words, a professional library for Java and Net to create word and RTF documents