Can I kill a java thread from JDB?

In theory, JDB (@l)u 419)u 0@ debugger) allows you to kill a single thread In practice, is it possible? Here, I attach JDB to my JVM, which has an agentlib on port 8000:

$jdb -attach 8000

I listed the topics:

> threads
Group system:
  (java.lang ...

I found the thread in question and tried to kill it:

> kill 0x21bb new java.lang.Exception("die!")
killing thead: pool-766-thread-1
> Unable to create java.lang.Exception instance
Expression must evaluate to an object

So threads can't be killed?

How to create a new exception in JDB and let it kill the thread?


The following answer on so seems to be just enforcing your problem

But the following answer may indeed answer your question

The content of this article comes from the network collection of netizens. It is used as a learning reference. The copyright belongs to the original author.
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