java – ClassNotFoundException:org. glassfish. jersey. internal. Runtimedelegateimpl was not found in the OSGi package with CXF dependencies embedded
This is related to jax-rs-2-0-change-default-implementation
When I try to deploy webapp, I get the following exception When I start the server, I set the system property to - djavax ws. rs.ext. RuntimeDelegate = org. apache. cxf. jaxrs. impl. Runtimedelegateimpl can solve this problem
But in the link above, it says that when I have meta inf / services / javax ws. rs.ext. Runtimedelegate file, whose content is org apache. cxf. jaxrs. impl. When runtimedelegateimpl, this can be solved
In my OSGi package, this file exists in cxf-rt-frontend-jaxrs-2.7 8. Jar, but the jar embedded in the OSGi package doesn't seem to get the right choice I tried to add the same file to the OSGi package meta - inf / services, but it didn't work either
Can someone tell me if there is a way to get rid of this without manually setting system properties?
The answer can be found here:
Basically, you need to add a system property to set the default delegate:
javax. ws. rs.ext. RuntimeDelegate = org. apache. cxf. jaxrs. impl. RuntimeDelegateImpl