Java / refactoring switch case
I tried to reconstruct the next case:
class Gen{ public void startClick(A a,B b,List<C> lstC,SortX sort){ for (int i=0; i<lstC.size(); i++){ try{ // some code with try and catch statement switch (sort){ case SortA: newOne(a,b,lstc); break; case SortB: otherfunction(a); break; case SortC: someotherfunction(lstC,a); break; } } } catch (Exception e){ //some code} } }
I try to create objects and process them, as we can see here:
So I created an object: sortoftype, and then for each case, I also created an object (sorta, sortb, sortc) The function in sortoftype gets the instance of Gen and other sort objects What I failed to do was to call the sortoftype of the class Gen What shall I do? Is this refactoring possible?
You can define an interface to call when an operation is required
public interface SortX { public void startClick(A a,C c); } public enum SortAEnum implements SortX<A,B,C> { SortA { public void startClick(A a,C c) { newOne(a,c); } },SortB { public void startClick(A a,C c) { otherfunction(a); } },C c) { someotherfunction(c,a); } } } public static void startClick(A a,List<C extends OnClick> lstC,SortX sort){ for (int i=0; i<lstC.size(); i++){ sort.startClick(a,lstC.get(i)); } }
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