Detailed explanation of the method of implementing custom cascading in spring data mongodb


The spring data mongodb project provides integration with mongodb document database. When spring integrates with hibernate, spring provides org springframework. orm. hibernate3. Hibernatetemplate implements CRUD operations on data, and spring data mongodb provides org. Org springframework. data. mongodb. core. Mongotemplate operates on the crud of mongodb, including the crud between the integrated object mapping file and POJO.

In mongodb using spring data:

For example, we have an entity person and an entity emailaddress.

When we call the save method:

In the above code, the returned person has only ID and no other value of emailaddress.

In the above code, emailaddress cannot be saved.


Lifecycle events

There are some life cycle events in spring data mongodb, such as onbeforeconvert, onbeforesave, onaftersave, onafterload and onafterconvert. We can inherit abstractmappingeventlistener and override these methods to implement it.


The above is the core code. So far, we can solve the above problems.


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