Is it faster (or better) to declare array inlining in Java?

Consider the following two almost equal method calls Notice how byte arrays are declared and allocated on both

void Method1()
    byte [] bytearray = new byte[16];

    /* some code */


void Method2()
    byte [] bytearray = {0,0};

    /* some code */    

In both cases, assume that "bytearray" is a candidate for garbage collection when method1 and method2 return, because any code that manipulates the tearray variable will not retain a reference at the end of the method itself

Does method2 avoid faster (or different) operations on "new" calls? Or more than two implementations? In both cases, the java compiler or runtime can be optimized to avoid the overhead of memory allocators for short temporary buffers


Which form is the fastest? Depends on JIT – they may be equivalent If so, few programs will notice a difference

Which form is the best? It almost always makes your program easier to read

But what's the real difference, whether we notice it or not? Let's have a look!

class ArrayTest {

    public int[] withNew() {
        int[] arr = new int[4];
        return arr;

    public int[] withInitializer() {
        int[] arr = {0,0};
        return arr;


We use javap - C ARRAYTEST to disassemble:

Compiled from ""
class ArrayTest {
       0: aload_0       
       1: invokespecial #1                  // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
       4: return        

  public int[] withNew();
       0: iconst_4      
       1: newarray       int
       3: astore_1      
       4: aload_1       
       5: areturn       

  public int[] withInitializer();
       0: iconst_4      
       1: newarray       int
       3: dup           
       4: iconst_0      
       5: iconst_0      
       6: iastore       
       7: dup           
       8: iconst_1      
       9: iconst_0      
      10: iastore       
      11: dup           
      12: iconst_2      
      13: iconst_0      
      14: iastore       
      15: dup           
      16: iconst_3      
      17: iconst_0      
      18: iastore       
      19: astore_1      
      20: aload_1       
      21: areturn       

No, in this case, they are different - using the initializer form will cause the slots to be set to 0 separately, because they have been configured to zero by the array, which is meaningless Therefore, this is basically equivalent to:

public int[] withNewAndSettingExplicitly() {
    int[] arr = new int[4];
    arr[0] = 0;
    arr[1] = 0;
    arr[2] = 0;
    arr[3] = 0;
    return arr;

Although another set of bytecodes is compiled, this is almost the same but not exactly the same:

public int[] withNewAndSettingExplicitly();
       0: iconst_4      
       1: newarray       int
       3: astore_1      
       4: aload_1       
       5: iconst_0      
       6: iconst_0      
       7: iastore       
       8: aload_1       
       9: iconst_1      
      10: iconst_0      
      11: iastore       
      12: aload_1       
      13: iconst_2      
      14: iconst_0      
      15: iastore       
      16: aload_1       
      17: iconst_3      
      18: iconst_0      
      19: iastore       
      20: aload_1       
      21: areturn

Therefore, the moral of the story is this: if you want all elements to be set to 0, use the new int [size] (this may or may not be faster) to generate less bytecode, but you must also enter less IMHO, which is a big victory) If you want to set the values in the array directly in the array, use the best code in the code, because the generated code will be almost the same as the form you choose

Now, answer your practical questions:

As we can see, the new is just hidden behind the initializer syntax (looking for newarray op code) By the way, allocation is very cheap in the JVM (generation garbage collectors have this pleasant side effect)

As we can see - not exactly the same, but it's unlikely that anyone will notice the difference

Again – distribution is cheap, so don't worry However, recent JVMs have such a small feature called escape analysis, which may lead to array allocation rather than heap allocation

The content of this article comes from the network collection of netizens. It is used as a learning reference. The copyright belongs to the original author.
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