Java – bitmap font reversal when using assetmanager
Today, I started using assetmanager in libgdx to load my assets Before that, I had loaded everything into a separate class, but I didn't use assetmanager
manager.load("font/good_neighbors_unity.fnt",BitmapFont.class); [...] bFont = manager.get("font/good_neighbors_unity.fnt",BitmapFont.class);
My problem is that when I load using asset manager, the bitmap font I use is reversed This is because in my orthographic camera, y points down There is a Boolean value in the bitmap font constructor to flip the font and avoid this problem But when I load it with assetmanager, there seems to be no such option There may be a relatively simple solution, but I can't find any way to allow me to flip fonts Is there an option that allows me to flip bitmap fonts when using assetmanager?
You can use the parameter object to specify flipping to the asset manager
BitmapFontLoader.BitmapFontParameter bitmapFontParameter = new BitmapFontParameter(); bitmapFontParameter.flip = true; manager.load("font/good_neighbors_unity.fnt",BitmapFont.class,bitmapFontParameter);
Double parentheses in anonymous classes may allow you to do this in a single line:
manager.load("font/good_neighbors_unity.fnt",new BitmapFontLoader.BitmapFontParameter(){{flip = true;}});