Classic application example of Java using dateutils to perform mathematical operations on dates [download related package files of dateutils attached]

This article gives an example of how Java uses dateutils to perform mathematical operations on dates. Share with you for your reference, as follows:

Recently, I was writing a data upload program. I need to perform some mathematical operations on date. Personally, I feel that the mathematical operations of date are still commonly used in Java, so I played with the mathematical operations of date. After trying, I found that dateutils is very convenient for the mathematical operation of date. See the code.

Operation results:

Note: org. Org has been introduced into the code apache. commons. lang3. time. DateUtils;, Running the program directly will report an error! Readers can download the corresponding components at the class library download address provided on the official website, or click here to download on this website.

Online date / day Calculator:

Online perpetual calendar:

Online lunar / Gregorian calendar conversion tool:

UNIX timestamp conversion tool:

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