Is java – spring too complex for JDBC operations?
I've just seen spring's JDBC framework - it looks like a learning curve - and I still can't find the latest quick start spring / JDBC tutorial of any quality!
Is there anything lighter than spring for basic JDBC operations - or does anyone have a good tutorial link
Thank you.
On the contrary JDBC support in spring is very simple Here is a basic example:
dataSource = ... obtain data source... (e.g. via Spring config) SimpleJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new SimpleJdbcTemplate(dataSource); Map<String,Object> row = jdbcTemplate.queryForMap( "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE ID=? LIMIT 1",100);
Jdbctemplate and simplejdbctemplate have many query methods that you may find useful To map rows to objects, see rowmapper and parameterizedrowmapper < T > For your data source, you usually want to use some advanced datasource with pool support For testing, the simple basicdatasource will perform:
BasicDataSource ds = new BasicDataSource(); ds.setDriverClassName("driverClassName"); ds.setUrl("jdbc://..."); ds.setUsername("username"); ds.setPassword("password");
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