Java reads files and gets the leading BOM [ï »]
I was reading the file containing keywords line by line and found a strange problem
sony sony
Only the first one is being processed The problem is that Java does not see them as equal
INFO: [,s,o,n,y] INFO: [s,y]
My code is as follows. What's the problem?
FileReader fileReader = new FileReader("some_file.txt"); BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader); String prevLine = ""; String strLine while ((strLine = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {; if(strLine.contentEquals(prevLine)){"Skipping the duplicate lines " + strLine); continue; } prevLine = strLine; }
to update:
There seems to be a space in the first line, but it's not, and the pruning method doesn't work for me They are different:
INFO: [,y] INFO: [,y]
I don't know what the first char added by Java is
Solved: the problem has been solved. Thanks for pointing out its BOM problem, which helps me find a solution quickly
Try trimming spaces at the beginning and end of the read line Simply replace your with the following:
while ((strLine = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { strLine = strLine.trim();; if(strLine.contentEquals(prevLine)){"Skipping the duplicate lines " + strLine); continue; } prevLine = strLine; }
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