Detailed explanation of classreader, classvisitor and classwriter for ASM source code learning


ASM is  Java is a popular class library for reading script code, which is used to analyze and convert code based on bytecode layer. In the process of reading and writing, custom logic can be added to enhance or modify the original compiled bytecode. For example, cglib uses it to implement dynamic proxy. ASM is designed to generate and transform Java classes at runtime, including offline processing. ASM is short and fast, so as to avoid the impact on the program speed when dynamically generating bytecode or converting at run time. Because of its small size, ASM can be used in many memory limited environments.

The main advantages of ASM include the following aspects:

1. It is another small, well-designed and modular API, and easy to use.

2. It has good documentation and eclipse plug-ins.

3. It supports the latest java version.

4. It is short, fast and strong.

5. It is also a large user community, which can provide support to new users.

6. Its open source license allows you to use it in almost any way.

For a detailed introduction to ASM, please refer to the in-depth study of Java bytecode framework ASM

The content of this article comes from the network collection of netizens. It is used as a learning reference. The copyright belongs to the original author.
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