Java uses internal classes to implement multiple inheritance
Example 1
public class Father { public int strong() { // 强壮指数 return 9; } }
public class Mother { public int kind() { // 友好指数 return 8; } }
public class Son { // 内部类继承Father类 class Father_1 extends Father { public int strong() { return super.strong() + 1; } } class Mother_1 extends Mother { public int kind() { return super.kind() - 2; } } public int getStrong() { return new Father_1().strong(); } public int getKind() { return new Mother_1().kind(); } }
public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Son son = new Son(); System.out.println("Son 的强壮指数:" + son.getStrong()); System.out.println("Son 的友好指数:" + son.getKind()); } }
Son 的强壮指数:10 Son 的友好指数:6
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