Ultra lightweight Java persistence layer needs
I need a super lightweight persistence layer for the Java application I'm writing I need it to become a stand-alone application. So far, I have worked with ammonos & persistence4j I like them (especially ammentos), but I can't find much on the network. I'm looking for some ideas about these two or any other persistence layers. You think it will be easy to deploy a MySQL database
I've only used hibernate before, so I'm looking for an alternative method that only allows me to do simple saving and retrieval There is no need to support any complex queries
Don't forget ormlite
Nevertheless, make sure you need an orm
Edit to respond to comments
For simple java projects (which are scarce these days), I often don't bother ORM, but sometimes I still use common bean utils' row set dynaclass This wraps the query results and allows the normal bean utils copyproperties type method to be copied to the domain object