javax. xml. Bind’s Base64 encoder / decoder eats the last two characters of the string
I need to convert some strings using Base64 encoding, and I'm glad to see that I don't have to scroll through my own Converter - Java provides a javax xml. bind. DataConverter. However, it has some problems This is my time output using Jython repl:
>>> import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter as DC >>> import java.lang.String as String >>> def foo(text): ... return DC.printBase64Binary(DC.parseBase64Binary(String(text))) ... >>> foo("hello") 'hell' >>> foo("This,it's a punctuated sentence.") 'Thisitsapunctuatedsenten' >>> foo("\"foo\" \"bar\"") 'foob' >>> foo("\"foo\" \"bar\"12") 'foobar12' >>> foo("\"foo\" \"bar\"1") 'foob'
As you can see, it doesn't handle non alphanumeric characters at all and often – but not always – truncates strings by two characters
I think it's probably time to write my own class, but now I'm worried a) I didn't read Javadoc or something, b) the class didn't work as expected
So any help is very grateful; Thank you in advance
Hello is not a Base64 string, so parsing failed You must convert the string to a byte array (try string (text) GetBytes ('utf-8 '), and then call DC in the byte array Printbase64binary() to get the data in Base64
Then DC Parsebase64binary() converts this Base64 encoded data back into a byte array (you can then convert it back into a string)