How to wait for multiple nested asynchronous calls by using rxjava Android?
I'm new to RX Java. This is my situation,
>Send request a and get the list < a > back > for each a, send request AA and get AA, bind a and AA, and then > have B & BB with similar logic > do something only after all requests are completed
request(url1,callback(List<A> listA) { for (A a : listA) { request(url2,callback(AA aa) { a.set(aa); } } }
A and B are independent
How to build code? I also use retrofit as a web client
thank you.
OK, I think this should solve the first part of your problem:
Please note that the second call to flatmap gives two parameters - there is a flatmap version, which not only generates an observable for each input item, but also needs a second function, which compares each item in the obtained observable with the corresponding input item
Look at the third figure under this heading for an intuitive understanding: -concatmap-and-flatmapiterable
Observable<A> obeservableOfAs = retrofitClient.getListOfAs() .flatMap(new Func1<List<A>,Observable<A>>() { @Override public Observable<A> call(List<A> listOfAs) { return Observable.from(listOfAs); } )} .flatMap(new Func1<A,Observable<AA>>() { @Override public Observable<AA> call(A someA) { return retrofitClient.getTheAaForMyA(someA); } },new Func2<A,AA,A>() { @Override public A call(A someA,AA theAaforMyA) { return someA.set(theAaforMyA); } }) ...
From here on, I'm still not sure you want to continue: are you ready to subscribe to the resulting observable? In this way, you can process each as (onnext) or just wait until all are completed
Appendix: to collect all items into a single list, you can turn your "observable" < a > into observable < list < a > > using tolist()
So you have:
Observable<List<A>> observableOfListOfAs = observableOfAs.toList();
If you need more fine-grained control over the construction of the list, you can also use reduce
For B, just copy the whole process you use for as
You can then use zip to wait for two streams to complete: observableOfListOfAs,observableOfListOfBs,new Func2<List<A>,List<B>,MyPairOfLists>() { @Override public MyPairOfLists call(List<A> as,List<B> bs) { return new MyPairOfLists(as,bs); } } ) .subscribe(new Subscriber<MyPairOfLists>() { // onError() and onCompleted() are omitted here @Override public void onNext(MyPairOfLists pair) { // Now both the as and the bs are ready to use: List<A> as = pair.getAs(); List<B> bs = pair.getBs(); // do something here! } });
I think you can guess the definition of mypairoflists