Pyscreenshot suspended Python 3.4

I'm still new to python I use Python 3.4.0 in idle on Ubuntu 14.04

I want to take a screenshot. After research, it seems that pyscreenshot is a good solution I tried this after following the installation documentation

import pyscreenshot as ImageGrab

im = ImageGrab.grab()

After using the print statement, I found that my problem did not work It seems to hang up

im = ImageGrab.grab()

I've read the documentation and tried to find a solution, but I can't find any help I tried a different backend to see if it solved the problem, but it always did the same thing

Update: I found that this is a problem with idle If I use the terminal and run the script with the python 3 Command, it will work properly If anyone knows why idle doesn't want to work please tell me. thank you.


You can turn off multiprocessing in pyscreenshot like

import pyscreenshot as ImageGrab
im = ImageGrab.grab(childprocess=False)

I found the answer on this page Check it out

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