[struts 2] configuration file
In struts 2, there are multiple configuration files, properties or XML files. What is their loading order?
configuration file
Struts 2 has the following configuration files, which are loaded in the following order
1、default. properties
In this configuration file, the constants of struts 2 are configured.
The location of the configuration is shown in the figure.
For example:
struts.enable.DynamicMethodInvocation = false:是否开启动态方法调用。
2、struts-default. xml
file location
This file is configured with struts The result type in XML can be used to determine whether the action result is jump or forward through the value configured above.
In addition, the default interceptor and interceptor stack are configured here.
3、struts-plugin. xml
file location
This configuration is mainly a plug-in configuration.
4、struts. xml
This file is the default struts configuration file for web applications. It is mainly responsible for managing the action mapping in the application and the result definition contained in the action
Stored in the SRC directory, you can include other packages XML configuration files (if there are many, you can put the configuration files belonging to the package in the package and include them in struts.xml).
You can configure constants for default Properties.
5、struts. properties
It is the default configuration file of struts. You can set the default Modify the constants in the properties file.
6、web. xml
The configuration file of the web application.