Static and final can modify objects and their characteristics
1. Final can modify: class variable, member variable, local variable, method and class.
1.1. Variable modified by final: it must be assigned directly, and it is no longer allowed to change the value elsewhere.
1.2. Method modified by final: cannot be copied.
1.3. Class modified by final: cannot be inherited.
2. Static can modify: member variables and methods.
2.1. Member variables modified by static: member variables become class variables and can be accessed in all methods. Can be reassigned multiple times.
2.2. Methods modified by static: they can be called directly in static methods. It can be called directly in non static methods and static methods. Cannot be replicated by subclasses.
3. Example code:
//class Hee extends Pee{ //不能从final类继承
//}public class TempTest {
//satic可以修饰成员变量,方法,但不能修饰局部变量.~~并且静态变量值可以多次被赋值.~~静态变量在静态方法,普通方法里面都可以使用.//<a href="" target="_blank" class="keywords">类变量</a> static int a=10; //成员变量 final int b=11; //成员变量 final static int c=12; /** * 静态<a href="" target="_blank" class="keywords">方法</a> */ static void test1(){ a=20; //static int d=1; //static修饰符不能<a href="" target="_blank" class="keywords">在这里</a>使用 //b=12; //不能给final赋值 final int e=2;//局部变量 //e=20; //不能给final赋值 } /** * <a href="" target="_blank" class="keywords">普通方法</a> */ void test2(){ a=30; final int c=0; test1(); } public static void main(String[] args){ test1(); Sy<a href="" target="_blank" class="keywords">stem</a>.out.println(a); Sy<a href="" target="_blank" class="keywords">stem</a>.out.println(c); TempTest test=new Temp<a href="" target="_blank" class="keywords">test()</a>; Sy<a href="" target="_blank" class="keywords">stem</a>.out.println(test.b); }