Write a learning roadmap for your own Java programmers

The following are some technologies and tools that I have often used in development in recent years. Of course, these technologies also need to be strengthened (some of which I have been using, but they are not in-depth, and some internal principles are not very clear)

Front end:

1) HTML: the core language of web pages, which constitutes the basis of web pages

2) CSS: a sharp tool to make web pages more colorful and brilliant

3) Javascript: the foundation of making web pages move and strengthening the interaction between web pages and users

4) HTML DOM: look at web pages from a more visual perspective, which makes it easier for us to control web pages

5) HTML BOM: an indispensable tool for interacting with browsers

6) JavaScript libraries, mainly jQuery and its plug-ins, YUI and its plug-ins, are powerful tools that make writing web pages more convenient, fast and robust

7) Ajax: asynchronous submission, which enhances users' good interactive experience using web pages

8) JSON: a data transfer tool that is smaller, faster, and easier to parse than XML

9) Flex: provides rich and colorful animation effects

10) Puyuan workflow: help users deal with the work above the business process more clearly

11) Jsp: the presentation layer of servlet separates the web page logic from the display of web page design

12) JSTL: strengthens and simplifies the development of JSP pages

13) El: making JSP pages easier to write

Background part:

1) The basic part of Java language programming: rich content is the core and foundation of java knowledge architecture

2) JDBC: provides a benchmark for building more advanced tools and interfaces that enable Java developers to write database applications

3) JavaMail: programming for e-mail

4) JUnit: unit testing is always very important when it becomes work testing

5) Log4j: enables us to control the log generation process in more detail

6) Servlet: the core of Java Web

7) Struts 2: the star level framework in Java Web programming. It has the advantages of multiple functions and makes programming easier. It is mainly used to control jump

8) Spring: the star level framework in Java Web programming. It also has the advantages of multi-function and makes programming easier. It is mainly used to manage objects

9) Ibatis: the star level framework in Java Web programming. It also has the advantages of multi-function and makes programming easier. It is mainly used for the interaction between programs and databases

10) SQL: a necessary tool for interactive programming with database

Version control:

1) Svn: version control to facilitate team collaboration

Web server:

1) Tomcat: excellent free small and medium-sized web server

2) Weblogic: a powerful web server

Development tools:

1) Eclipse: a powerful open source Java programming tool

2) MyEclipse: a powerful enterprise level integrated development environment developed on the basis of eclipse and its own plug-ins


1) Oracle: the leader in the database industry. Of course, this is only a common function, which needs to be strengthened

2) MySQL: one of the best relational databases

3) SQL Server: one of the best relational databases

Database client:

1) Toad: great database client software

Operating system:



Session tools for remote login:

1) SSH: I've been using it all the time. It's very good


Various types and versions of browsers (Firefox is recommended), office software series, various text editors (sublime is recommended), various readers, etc

Well, looking back, I've used a lot of things for development work, but I'm not proficient in everything. I just use those commonly used functions often. I'll record them here to make up for them one by one. Of course, I certainly need to keep learning some other new technologies and tools! It's a urge to yourself! Pointed out the direction of their efforts!

The following are three pictures from the Internet, which better illustrate the learning roadmap of a java programmer. I put them here as a self reminding tool to look at them from time to time and quickly repair my knowledge tree!

1: Knowledge architecture of Java

2: Basic learning roadmap for Java Web Development

3: Growth roadmap for Java Web Development

Well, I have read a lot of books this year. I feel I have gained a lot. I look forward to a better start in 2018! The goal has been set. Let's look at the action! Remember: learning is always your own thing. If you don't learn, you won't have much time. Sometimes you can use the knowledge you have learned for more free and good times! Time is not only the basic component of life, but also the fundamental scale of the existence of all things. Our time is there, and our life is there! Our value will also be promoted or eliminated there! Come on, boy!

Last suggestion: when learning various technologies, go to the official website of the corresponding technology (Baidu knows it at once!), buying books from professional publishers and professionals is a great barrier. It is also a network that distinguishes programmers at all levels. My English is also poor. However, in my continuous learning, I believe I can win it. Recently, when I study technology, I also prefer to go to the official website to bite English, and feel that foreign countries do technology That's great! Of course, they are the ancestors! come on.

The content of this article comes from the network collection of netizens. It is used as a learning reference. The copyright belongs to the original author.
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