Java – how can restful web services be better than soap based web services
I have experienced various websites, and the only answer they provide is – restful web services use HTTP's own methods, such as (get, post, put, delete) Soap - based web services use their own custom methods
However, I do not understand the full meaning of these answers As for why these things have proved to have such advantages over Soap - based web services
An example would be appreciated
Rest is naturally suitable for Web / cloud APIs, while soap is suitable for distributed computing scenarios
Bandwidth is the main advantage of rest because there is no complex document traversal (i.e. XML, soap header), which is very important for a good web API JSON is a widely recognized and simple standard for data exchange, and can be easily read through browser and client code, which is why most restful APIs (Yahoo is a good example) provide JSON
Not to mention that rest can be used for XMLHttpRequest objects, which is also crucial to the Ajax capabilities of Web APIs
Of course, the cache function of rest can't be ignored Because rest is based on HTTP, you can use many semantics of HTTP (and the web itself) to enable browser caching by using the header on HTTP packets (expires) Not to mention gzip compression to improve efficiency In terms of performance, rest is actually done through soap
For soap, soap applies to state operations Ws * standards (security, transaction processing, etc.) deal with this kind of pipeline which is quite common in distributed scenarios You can use rest to complete rest, but it won't really be rest Soap is very useful for defining the operation contract between client and server, which is very important in distributed scenarios
Therefore, my opinion (and the whole soap and rest thing) is highly praised. Soap is used in distributed computing scenarios and rest is used in Web APIs