Explain in detail how to deploy spring boot project with Jenkins
Jenkins is a Devops artifact. This article describes how to install and use Jenkins to deploy the spring boot project
Jenkins construction and deployment is divided into three steps;
The first step is Jenkins installation
Preparation environment:
JDK is installed by default
Configure maven
Version requirements Maven 3 five
Software download
Modify the environment variable and add the following lines in / etc / profile
Remember to execute source / etc / profile to make the environment variable take effect.
Finally, run MVN - V to verify whether Maven is installed successfully
Configure protective wall
Close the protective wall
Run the two commands at the same time. After running, check the firewall shutdown status
Jenkins installation
Start service
Jenkins started successfully! Its war package comes with a jetty server
When Jenkins is started for the first time, for security reasons, Jenkins will automatically generate a random password. Note the password output from the console, copy it, and then enter the password in the browser:
Access the browser: http://localhost:8080/
Input: 0cca37389e6540c08ce6e4c96f46da0f
In the user-defined plug-in interface, it is recommended to install the official recommended plug-in, because you have to install it yourself after installation:
Next, enter the plug-in installation progress interface:
The plug-in may not be completely installed at one time. You can click Retry to install it again. Until all are installed successfully
After waiting for a period of time, the plug-in installation is completed, and the user name and password are configured:
Input: admin / Admin
System management - global tool configuration JDK path,
The second step is plug-in installation and configuration
Many plug-ins are installed by default, so we don't need to install many plug-ins now. Git plugin, Maven integration plugin, publish over SSH and CVs plug-ins manage SSH.
Plug in installation: System Management > plug-in management > optional plug-ins, check the plug-ins to be installed, click direct installation or download and restart to install
Configure global variables
System Management > global tool configuration
Configure the path of the local JDK and remove the check box for automatic installation
Configure the path of the local Maven and remove the check box for automatic installation
Other contents can be installed according to your own situation.
Configure SSH login free
SSH can be configured with a key or a password. Here we use the key to configure. Before configuration, configure the keys of the Jenkins server and the application server, authenticate the Jenkins server, generate a key pair, and use the SSH keygen - t RSA command
Enter the following command and press enter until a rectangular figure appears, indicating success. In ~ / There will be a private key ID under SSH /_ RSA and public key ID_ rsa. pub
The public key ID of the Jenkins server_ rsa. Copy the contents in pub to ~ /. Of the application server Authorized under SSH /_ Keys file
Restart the SSH service on the application server. Service sshd restart now the Jenkins server can log in directly to the application server without password
After that, try whether you can log in to the B server without password with SSH B. If you still need to enter a password, there are the following reasons
a. The non root account may not support SSH public key authentication (depending on whether the server has restrictions) B. the public key file passed over does not have sufficient permissions. You can authorize Chmod 644 authorized_keys to this file C. when using the root account to execute the SSH copy ID - I ~ /. SSH / id_rsa.pub command, if you need to enter a password, configure sshd_config
Restart the sshd service after modification
Finally, if SSH IP password free login is successful, SSH public key authentication is successful.
Step 3: push SSH
System Management > system settings
Select publish over SSH
Passphrase write the generated SSH path without setting path to key: / root / ssh/id_ rsa
The following SSH servers are the key points
Name is optional to represent this service. It will be selected according to it later. Then hostname configures the address of the application server username configures the login user name of Linux remote directory, which is not filled in
Click add below to add addresses of multiple application servers
Step 4: deploy the project
Click new on the home page: enter the project name
Select to build a maven project below and click OK.
Check discard old builds and choose whether to back up the replaced old packages. I choose to back up the last 10 here
Source code management, select SVN, configure SVN related information, and click Add to enter the account and password of SVN
Svn address: http://192.168.0.xx/svn/xxx @Head, @ head means the latest version
Check "add timestamps to the console output" in the build environment, and the log will be printed during code building
Enter the MVN command before packaging in build, such as:
It means: exclude the package content of the test and use the configuration file with the suffix test.
Post steps select run only if build successes
Click add post build step and select send files or execute commands over SSH
Name select the push SSH configured above
Source files configuration: target / xxx-0.0 1-SNAPSHOT. Jar project jar package name remove prefix: target / remote directory: Jenkins in / code directory address of application server, exec command: Jenkins in / xxx SH script corresponding to the application server.
You need to create a folder in the application server: Jenkins in. Copy the script content in the folder: XXX sh
The meaning of this script is to kill the old project, delete the old project, start a new project and back up the old project.
The above is the whole content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to your study, and I hope you can support programming tips.