Why should I use null (string []) in Java?
In some fragments, I noticed that the array is initialized by converting null values into string arrays, such as:
String[] array = (String[])null;
Generally, null is used to initialize variables, such as a string array, such as:
String[] array = null;
When or why should null values be converted to string arrays or any other similar data type?
No need to use
String[] array = (String[]) null;
If you pass a null value to an overloaded method (that is, one of multiple methods with the same name) and you want the compiler to choose a method that accepts the string [] parameter, you may have to use (string []) null
For example, if you have the following methods:
public void doSomething (Integer i) {} public void doSomething (String s) {} public void doSomething (String[] arr) {}
Calling dosomething (null) does not pass compilation because the compiler does not know which method to choose
Calling dosomething ((string []) null) will execute the third method
Of course, you can assign null to the string [] variable and avoid conversion:
String[] arr = null; doSomething (arr);