Java – Spring / LDAP — calling setter method in bean configuration
I'm writing a spring LDAP application and I have to set an authentication policy for contextsource I want to do this in my bean XML file Javadoc for contextsource says it has a method called setter
setAuthenticationStrategy( DirContextAuthenticationStrategy authenticationStrategy )
To call this setter from my beans file, is the following XML sufficient?
<bean id="authStrategy" class="org.springframework...DefaultTlsDirContextAuthenticationStrategy"> ... </bean> <bean id="contextSource" class=""> <property name="url" ... /> <property name="base" ... /> ... <property name="authenticationStrategy" ref="authStrategy" /> </bean>
In other words, what determines the call of setauthenticationstrategy method? Is my attribute name authenticationstrategy? Will spring automatically convert the property name to the appropriate setter method?
Your suspicion is correct: Spring converts property names to setter methods
The type of the bean you use as a parameter is defaulttlsdircontextauthenticationstrategy, and this method accepts objects of type dircontextauthenticationstrategy. Therefore, defaulttlsdircontextauthenticationstrategy must be a subclass of the implementer of dircontextauthenticationstrategy