How to use generics in Java to reference nested types?
How do I create generic classes that reference nested generic types?
I'm trying to create a comparator class that can compare the internal types of B without exposing them In the following example, I get a compiler warning to pass my t embedded value to comparable:
public class SSCCE { // Compare my A instances. class AComparator<T extends B> implements Comparator<T> { @Override public int compare(final T o1,final T o2) { return o1.getValue().compareTo(o2.getValue()); } } class A extends B<Integer> { @Override Integer getValue() { return 1; } } class A2 extends B<String> { @Override String getValue() { return "Test String!"; } } abstract class B<T extends Comparable<T>> { abstract T getValue(); } public static void main(String[] args) { SSCCE sscce = new SSCCE(); AComparator<A> comparator = AComparator<>(); A(), A()); } }
Can I use internal values to safely allow projection?
What I've tried
>Create comparable wildcards (not compileable):
class AComparator2<T extends B<? extends Comparable<?>>> implements Comparator<T> { @Override public int compare(final T o1,final T o2) { Comparable<?> o1value = (Comparable) o1.getValue(); Comparable<?> o2value = (Comparable) o2.getValue(); return o1value.compareTo(o2value); } }
>Declaring an auxiliary generic parameter type (U) simply delays the problem:
class AComparator3<T extends B<U>,U extends Comparable<U>> implements Comparator<T> { @Override public int compare(final T o1,final T o2) { U o1value = o1.getValue(); U o2value = o2.getValue(); return o1value.compareTo(o2value); } } ... AComparator3<A,Comparable<U>> comparator = AComparator3();
The comparator is not comparing two instances of class A, but part of their content
Wildcard solution does not work
class AComparator2<T extends B<?>> { public int compare(T o1,T o2)
Because t is too loose here, we can't be sure that the two t can be compared with each other - maybe O1 is B < X1 > and O2 is B, X2, x1, X2 are two different types
Your third solution limits t to a specific B < U >
class AComparator3<T extends B<U>,U extends Comparable<U>>
This works perfectly except that using the website must specify u, even if u can be derived from t
AComparator3<A,Integer> ^^^^^^^ duh!
It's annoying to have the same problem before other use cases There is no good answer
Fortunately, in your case, u does not need to be used anywhere on the website, so we can simply use wildcards
AComparator3<A,?> comparator = AComparator3<>(); A(), A());
In fact, the comparator is comparator < a >, which may be what you need In addition, we can create a convenient way to hide the new ugliness So you can do something similar
Comparator<A> comparator = sscce.comparator();