Mirrored shapes in Java (swing)
hello everyone,
I have a lesson about drawing and manipulating shapes in swing GUI
I have a problem. When I try to mirror my shape, I can't get the result I want
The drawallnodes method is called in Jpanels paintComponent.
public void drawallnodes(ArrayList<DevicesEditor> nodes,Graphics2D g2) { int arraysize = nodes.size(); ArrayList<DevicesEditor> temparray; AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform(); if (nodes.size() != 0) { System.out.println("nodes.size " + nodes.size()); if (currentarrayindex >= 0) { AffineTransform afx = new AffineTransform();// for rotate for (int i = 0; i <= currentarrayindex; i++) { if (nodes.get(i).getWasAngleChanged()) { afx.rotate( Math.toradians(nodes.get(i).getAngleIndegrees()),nodes.get(i).getCenter().x,nodes.get(i).getCenter().y); nodes.get(i).setShape( afx.createTransformedShape(nodes.get(i).getShape())); nodes.get(i).setWasAngleChanged(false); nodes.get(i).setokrajRectangle(); } try { Rectangle r = nodes.get(i).getShape().getBounds(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println( "Exception found at getbounds,no shape with getbounds found"); } AffineTransform saveXform = g2.getTransform(); g2.setColor(nodes.get(i).getColor()); int w = getWidth(); // it gets the JPanels width,which is set to 758px at = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(w,0); System.out.println("*********Get width of shape: " + w); at.scale(-1,1); // mirror -x,y g2.setPaint(Color.red); g2.draw(at.createTransformedShape(nodes.get(i).getShape())); try { g2.drawString(nodes.get(i).getText(),(int) nodes.get(i).getCenter().getX(),(int) nodes.get(i).getCenter().getY()); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("No text found at node"); } try { g2.draw((Shape) nodes.get(i).getShape()); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("No shape found at node"); } // g2.transform(AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(0,1)); g2.setTransform(saveXform); } } } }
When I mirror the shape, for example, I draw on the right, but the mirror image appears on the left... I want to mirror the shape and get the mirror shape in the same place instead of my JPanel
Thank you for your help
When you transform a shape using a simple affine transformation, such as scale (- 1,1), it will mirror horizontally at x = 0 That is, when you have an object in (300100), it will be after (- 300100)
In order to mirror an object "in place" (that is, at the X coordinate of its center point), you must
>Move the object so that its center is at x = 0 > mirror Object > move object back to its original position
This transformation sequence can (and should) be represented by a single affinetransform, which can be obtained by connecting the affinetransforms representing each step For example, you can create a similar method
private static Shape mirrorAlongX(double x,Shape shape) { AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform(); at.translate(x,0); at.scale(-1,1); at.translate(-x,0); return at.createTransformedShape(shape); }
To draw a shape that flips horizontally (that is, mirrors) at its center, you can call
By the way: get rid of those caught exceptions! That's a terrible style For example Replace the exception check for printing "text not found on node"
String text = nodes.get(i).getText(); if (text != null) { g2.drawString(text,...); } else { System.err.println("No text found at node"); // May not even be necessary... }