Unable to change Java io. tmpdir
I'm trying to change Java. Net using this command io. TMPDIR directory
java -Djava.io.tmpdir=/temporary
This is not successful and shows the "usage" of Java commands I do this on RHEL machines
Thank you in advance
I deployed an application using axis 2 version 1.5 on weblogiv I found that Axis2 1.5 uses Java io. TMPDIR to store its temporary files Where I want to store these temporary files I specified Java. Net in Weblogic io. TMPDIR value
You need to use this command as part of the running program, not just Java - dkey = value
java -Djava.io.tmpdir=/temporary com.foo.Bar
Including com foo. Bar is a class that contains the main method
Alternatively, you can do this programmatically
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