Java basic syntax — understanding of variable operator
Variable overview
Variables must have clear types, what types of variables are installed in what types of data.
Basic types in 8: byte, short, int, long, float, double, char, Boolean
Define variable syntax format:
Data type variable name = data value;
Precautions for the use of variables: I: variables can be assigned without assignment after they are fixed, and they can be assigned again when they are used. Cannot be used without assignment.
2: There are scope restrictions when using variables.
Data type conversion
① Arithmetic operator:
+It is converted to a string only when it is added directly to the string.
② Assignment operator:
③ Comparison operator:
Note the difference between the = sign in the assignment operator and the = = sign in the comparison operator.
④ Logical operators:
Short circuit & &: the data on both sides involved in the operation is false, then the operation result is false;
Short circuit or |: if the data on both sides involved in the operation is true, the operation result is true.
⑤ Ternary operator:
(conditional expression)? Expression 1: expression 2;