How do I unit test the javanica @ hystrixcommand annotation method?
I am using javanica and commenting on my hystrix command method, as follows:
@HystrixCommand(groupKey="MY_GROUP",commandKey="MY_COMMAND" fallbackMethod="fallbackMethod") public Object getSomething(Object request) { ....
I try to unit test my fallback methods without directly calling them, that is, I want to call the @ hystrixcommand annotated method to let it flow into fallback naturally after throwing 500 errors All this works outside of unit testing
In my unit test, I used spring mockrestserviceserver to return 500 errors, which worked normally, but hystrix did not initialize correctly in my unit test At the beginning of my test method, I have:
HystrixRequestContext context = HystrixRequestContext.initializeContext(); myService.myHystrixCommandAnnotatedMethod();
After that, I try to get any hystrix commands through the key and check whether there are any executed commands, but the list is always empty. I use this method:
public static HystrixInvokableInfo<?> getHystrixCommandByKey(String key) { HystrixInvokableInfo<?> hystrixCommand = null; System.out.println("Current request is " + HystrixRequestLog.getCurrentRequest()); Collection<HystrixInvokableInfo<?>> executedCommands = HystrixRequestLog.getCurrentRequest() .getAllExecutedCommands(); for (HystrixInvokableInfo<?> command : executedCommands) { System.out.println("executed command is " + command.getCommandGroup().name()); if (command.getCommandKey().name().equals(key)) { hystrixCommand = command; break; } } return hystrixCommand; }
I realized that I missed something in unit test initialization. Can anyone point out my right direction and how to conduct unit test correctly?
Although you don't have to unit test the hystrix command It's still useful to do a spring mix test. I don't think it's correct to accept the blank of the function when adding comments The test I created ensures that the circuit breaker is open under exceptional circumstances
@RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @SpringBootTest public class HystrixProxyServiceTests { @MockBean private MyRepo myRepo; @Autowired private MyService myService; private static final String ID = “1”; @Before public void setup() { resetHystrix(); openCircuitBreakerAfterOneFailingRequest(); } @Test public void circuitBreakerClosedOnSuccess() throws IOException,InterruptedException { when(myRepo.findOneById(USER_ID1)) .thenReturn(Optional.of(Document.builder().build())); myService.findOneById(USER_ID1); HystrixCircuitBreaker circuitBreaker = getCircuitBreaker(); Assert.assertTrue(circuitBreaker.allowRequest()); verify(myRepo,times(1)).findOneById( any(String.class)); } @Test public void circuitBreakerOpenOnException() throws IOException,InterruptedException { when(myRepo.findOneById(ID)) .thenThrow(new RuntimeException()); try { myService.findOneById(ID); } catch (RuntimeException exception) { waitUntilCircuitBreakerOpens(); HystrixCircuitBreaker circuitBreaker = getCircuitBreaker(); Assert.assertFalse(circuitBreaker.allowRequest()); } verify(myRepo,times(1)).findOneById( any(String.class)); } private void waitUntilCircuitBreakerOpens() throws InterruptedException { Thread.sleep(1000); } private void resetHystrix() { Hystrix.reset(); } private void warmUpCircuitBreaker() { myService.findOneById(USER_ID1); } public static HystrixCircuitBreaker getCircuitBreaker() { return HystrixCircuitBreaker.Factory.getInstance(getCommandKey()); } private static HystrixCommandKey getCommandKey() { return HystrixCommandKey.Factory.asKey("findOneById"); } private void openCircuitBreakerAfterOneFailingRequest() { ConfigurationManager.getConfigInstance(). setProperty("hystrix.command.findOneById.circuitBreaker.requestVolumeThreshold",1); } }
Another small thing that made me quarrel for a while was that I entered default comments without specific command keys, but when creating command keys, they were created according to the method name I specified above For a complete example, I also added comments to indicate that I did not specify commandkey
@HystrixCommand public Optional<Document> findOneById(final String id) { return this.myRepo.findOneById(id); }
I hope it will help sb