Java – install sunjce on Android?

The company I work for is cautious about Android application development because bouncy castle, the default encryption library, is not fips-140 certified There is nothing I can do to change their ideas or policies

I want to know what options I have to install (or at least bundle) sunjce with my application

First, I can't find the place where I want to download the latest version of this jar I tried to grab the JCE jar from my desktop and set it as the internal jar in my android project, and received this interesting, if ominous message:

I am not a painful, painful, sad or sad person, so I want to know the right way to complete this task, as long as this is what I should try


You cannot import Java. XML because you have encountered a compiler error* Or javax* Class Following their instructions should work, but changing the package of things with JCE size may be important. I don't know whether the result still meets the conditions of fips-140 In addition, if JCE is implemented in pure Java, it may be slow on Android Unless JCE comes from the GPL version of Java or some other open source implementation, the license problem prompted by the error message is relevant

There are other FIPS - 140 encryption libraries available, such as NSS, which have Java bindings, and some encryption libraries that can write java bindings You can have one of the NDK users run on Android

The content of this article comes from the network collection of netizens. It is used as a learning reference. The copyright belongs to the original author.
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