Java – how to create docker image files and value parameters for local applications
I have a Java application (jar file) that I want to be able to run from the dock image
I created a docker file to create an image based on CentOS and installed Java itself:
Dockerfile FROM centos RUN yum install -y java-1.7.0-openjdk
I run docker build - t me / java7 to get the image
But I fell into some dead ends
>How to copy jar files from host to image / container > I need 2 parameters 1 is a file that needs to be copied to the container at run time The other is a number, which needs to be automatically passed to the jar file in the Java jar command. When the user runs docker with parameters
Additional remarks:
The jar file is a local file You can't access anywhere through WGet or anything At present, the closest is the windows share containing it I can also access the source code from the GIT repository, but this will involve compiling everything and installing Maven and git on the image, so I'd rather avoid this
Thank you for any help
>In the docker file, use add to add local files, such as
ADD your-local.jar /some-container-location
>You can use volumes to place files in containers at run time, such as
VOLUME /copy-into-this-dir
Then you run using
docker run -v=/location/of/file/locally:/copy-into-this-dir -t me/java7
You can pass parameters using entrypoint and CMD, for example
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/whatever/your.jar"] CMD [""]
Then run it
docker run -v=/location/of/file/locally:/copy-into-this-dir -t me/java7 --myNumber 42
(see dockerfile documentation)