How to view the version information of a development project framework
1. To view the spring version in a project:
First, find the import location of the jar package in the project, and put spring. Com Copy the jar package to other locations that do not affect the project. For example, I copied it to the desktop.
Then, right-click spring Jar package, select the opening method, select the decompression method [the same steps as extracting files here], and then open the extracted files in sequence. Folder order:
Meta-INF/MANIFEST. MF, the display information is as follows: [
Implementation-Version: 2.0. eight
2. View the structs version in the project:
The opening steps are the same as above,
Manifest-Version: 1.0Created-By: Apache Ant 1.5. 1Extension-Name: Struts FrameworkSpecification-Title: Struts FrameworkSpecification-Vendor: Apache Software FoundationSpecification-Version: 1.1Implementation-Title: Struts FrameworkImplementation-Vendor: Apache Software FoundationImplementation-Vendor-Id: org. apacheImplementation-Version: 1.1Class-Path: commons-beanutils. jar commons-collections. jar commons-dig ester. jar commons-logging. jar commons-validator. jar jakarta-oro. jar s truts-legacy. jar
3. To view the versions of servers in a project:
The opening steps are the same as above,
Manifest-Version: 1.0Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.6. 5Created-By: 1.4. 2_ 09-b05 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)Name: javax/servlet/Specification-Title: Java API for ServletsSpecification-Version: 2.4Specification-Vendor: Sun Microsystems,Inc.Implementation-Title: javax. servletImplementation-Version: 2.4. public_ draftImplementation-Vendor: Apache Software Foundation